The user-friendly UNii Macros

What can you do with the macros? First, program hotkeys on the keypad. These hotkeys can be used to launch macros that perform functions such as enable (with or without code), fully enable (whole), partially enable (part), etc.

macros always work with the following principle: an input, a condition and an action:
Up to 50 macros (UNii 512) can be created which can be divided into up to 25 groups for extra clarity. Consider groups such as outdoor detection, fog machine, lighting, etc. Actions can be easily sequenced. Of course, macros can be started manually so that they can be simply tested beforehand.

Three common forms of macros are:

  • Night delivery macros
  • Fog macros
  • High risk periphery macros

See an example below of how it looks in UNii Manager:


Want to learn more about the user-friendly UNii macros? Then contact us with the button below

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