Optimal safety at higher risks

In some situations, standard security is not enough. Personal safety, continuity or financial impact may call for security that can be tailored to a specific situation. This is where the philosophy of the UNii fits in; a modular solution that can be used for the highest risks and is always available. The UNii is ideally suited for courts, luxury homes, banks and museums.

Redundancy as standard

What if maintenance is performed?

Security availability is crucial when applied in a higher risk environment. For this purpose, the UNii can easily be redundant. Normally, the security fails completely during maintenance or service on the central equipment. Not with the UNii! Due to the redundant implementation, the security system continues to function normally in the event of a cable break or failure of the central unit. Even during maintenance, the installation continues to function and additional measures to deal with a temporary shutdown can be avoided.

Intuitive and simple keypad

The keypad’s design makes it intuitive and easy to use. This makes it possible for anyone to operate the system. In addition, the keypad is equipped with a card reader that features the most secure reading principle: DESFire. A reading principle applied at the highest risks. The optional 4-eye principle allows two people to perform switch-on/switch-off operations. Additional security that may be needed when securing areas of value, for example.

UNii front display

Access Control

Standard part of the UNii

Access control is a crucial component of any security system. It enables organizations to control who has access to their facilities. The UNii can be expanded with comprehensive access capabilities. With one integrated system, both intrusion detection and access control are possible. This unique integration prevents scenarios where a door is opened while the space behind it is secured by the intrusion detection system. One system also means one code, tag, or card for operation and one point of contact for technical support.

Customization with macros

Beveiligingsinstallaties in hoog-risico objecten kenmerken zich vaak door de behoefte aan specifieke functies. Het overbruggen van een trildetector als de deur normaal wordt geopend mits het in een bepaald tijdsvak gebeurt is vaak geen standaard functie in een beveiligingssysteem. Hiervoor is de UNii uitgerust met een zeer eenvoudige maar uitgebreide macro module. Met macro’s kunnen alle functies worden gemaakt die niet standaard aanwezig zijn. Ideaal als de klant net iets anders wil.

Standard Grade 3

Prepared for the highest risk

As organizations change, it is nice if the intrusion detection and access control system is also adaptable accordingly. Unlike many other brands, the UNii is maximally adaptable to the size of the installation without the need to replace central equipment. But changed risk has also been considered by certifying the UNii for the highest risk class: Grade 3. So even if the insurer, based on an increased insured value, imposes additional requirements, the UNii is prepared for this and additional costs are avoided.

The UNii in high-risk objects

  • Standard Grade 3

  • Redundant execution

  • Easy operation on the intuitive keypad

  • Unique integration of fog machine

  • Comprehensive access control

  • Customization through macros

Fully integrable

In many cases, security does not stand alone but is part of the building management or home automation system. The UNii can be fully integrated into other systems. The status of the system or connected detectors are thus easily visible on floor plans and makes operation even easier. In all cases, the system continues to function autonomously which suits the application and the risk.

Smart Technology

For us, the UNii security system is the perfect solution for both business and residential users, who are looking for a complete and easy-to-use security solution.

Quality Marks & Certificates

Logo's Certificeringen EN501131Logo's Certificeringen CE EN 50131 Grade 3Logo's Certificeringen EN54 21Logo's Certificeringen Incert
UNii Portretfoto's Frank


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